It doesn't always have to be hard, confusing, or complicated.
Everyone wants a magic pill these days to solve everything. Unfortunately, true health doesn't work that way.
It takes us time to degrade our bodies to the point of it not working properly, and it's going to take time to get your ultimate health back.
But the good news is that it's easy to start RIGHT NOW. It doesn't have to be hard.
Everyday that you wake up is a chance for a new start.
Every BREATH you take is a chance for a new start.
Really. It can be that simple. You just need to make the choice.
So do it. Make the choice. Right now.
Good? Awesome. Let's do this.
10 Easy Steps To Get You On The Path That ROCKS!
1) Have 1 more glass of water. Right now. Drink it.
2) Eat one more serving of fruit or vegetables. Go eat a carrot. Or an apple. I don't care what it is. Just one more serving..
3) Have a green smoothie for a snack or a meal
4) Gratitude my friends. Remember to be grateful for something. Everyday. Remind yourself.
5) Go outside and take 3 deep breathes of fresh air. Even if you just stick your head out the door if it's still cold where you are.
6) Now try to touch your toes. Then reach for the sky. Feel your body respond. Love it.
7) Go to bed 10 minutes earlier. Tonight.
8) Try to get more exercise. I know. Everyone says this. Easier said than done. But even if it's 5 push ups, or an extra set of stairs.... anything is better than nothing.
9) Cook at least one meal a day. I don't care if this means eggs and toast for breakfast, or a one pot wonder something or other for supper. Make it.
10) Love yourself. Say it out loud. Put a post-it on your bathroom mirror. Remind yourself that YOU ARE ENOUGH. Practice love.
Bam. Try this everyday. Work on doing each item more. It can be pretty simple, if you let it.
Don't let it overwhelm you.
Even if you start at 1, and work your day down each week with one extra thing. Take your time. Do what you need to do.